AIT’s D-ID technology has been codified as a national method in 2008 by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), recognized in the US and by other nations under the name of Method 6800. Since acquiring this status, our D-ID method has become the gold standard for the highest level of accuracy and precision. This is a unique distinction of analytical superiority, acclaimed because the biases and errors associated with D-ID data are minimal and correctible in a strict, scientifically verifiable manner.
In the United States and many other countries, EPA Method 6800 is a legally-defensible quantification method because it is the only method that provides definitive results.
For a summary of how EPA Method 6800 works in the context of our technology, we invite you to read more about D-IDMS and D-SIDMS.
For the technical description of how this method works, please refer to the EPA’s most current version of EPA Method 6800 or contact us. We will be happy to email a pdf copy to you.
To learn more about D-ID technology and how it can assist your project, please contact us.